The Effectiveness of Mentoring Technique to Improve Self-Efficacy in English Language Learning of 7th to 9th-Grade Students with Visual Impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten

Misbahul Arifin, Munawir Yusuf, Joko Yuwono


This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of mentoring technique to improve self-efficacy in English language learning of 7th to 9th-grade students with visual impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten. This study belongs to experimental research using a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. The subjects in this study include 7th to 9th-grade students with visual impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten determined using a saturated sampling technique. The research instruments were questionnaires with 20 favorable statements and 20 unfavorable statements. The results of this study were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test analysis, which yielded a Zcount of -2.160 with Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.031, exemplifying a smaller value than the significance level (p< 0.05). The outcome indicates that the mentoring technique contributes positively to the improvement of self-efficacy of visually-impaired 7th to 9th-grade students of SLB A Yaat Klaten for the academic year 2018/2019.


Mentoring Technique; Students with Visual Impairment; English Language Learning

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