The Influence of Discovery and CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending) Learning Model on Students’ Creative Thinking Skill
The topic currently discussed in Indonesia is the industrial revolution 4.0. One of the skills that cover the 4.0 industrial revolution is creative thinking. The ability to think creatively must be developed from the early age. One of which is by applying a learning model in accordance with the students’ condition. In reality, Mathematics has not applied a learning model that triggers students' creative thinking skills. Furthermore, the question of creative thinking is currently experiencing a decline which can be seen in the average score of the national exam. Researchers concluded that students and teachers have not found the right learning model for creative thinking problems. The population in this research were eighth-grader of junior high school in Madiun Regency. Therefore, the main focus is to apply the discovery and CORE learning model, and to see how the effects of the discovery learning model and the CORE learning model. Then data analysis method used is one way univariate analysis of variance.
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