The Impact of Transformation Leadership on Employee’s Effectiveness (The Case of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq)
Leadership plays a critical role in the management of any organization and establishing the right style of leadership is one of the fundamental aspects that cannot be undermined. While there are different modes of leadership, the transformational style has been vastly employed and found to be highly effective. Transformational leadership encompasses the tendency to transform the values and norms of employees as the manager strives to motivate employees in a way that motivates them to deliver performances at an optimal level. It thrives on the interactions that are directed at achieving a collective purpose in a manner that motivates, enhances and transforms the actions and ethical leanings of the subordinates. In this study, the researchers examined the impact of transformational leadership on employee effectiveness at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Regional Government. The sample size included 76 participants that were made to give their assessment through a 24-item questionnaire that was rated using a Likert scale of 1 – 5. The data obtained from this study were analyzed using SPSS 20, and tests for regression and Pearson's correlation coefficient were run. The result showed that inspirational motivation had the greatest impact on employee effectiveness in our case study.
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