The Role of Commitment to Change Readiness through Psychological Empowerment of Retired Indonesian Migrant Workers
This study aims to test a theoretical model regarding the role of commitment to change readiness through psychological empowerment in full Indonesian Immigarnt Worker (PMI). This study involved 205 Retired Immigrant workers who had started businesses in Banten, DKI Jakarta and Yogyakarta Special Region. The data analysis technique used is path analysis using Amos 21.0. The hypothesis proposed in this study is "the theoretical model of the role of commitment to the readiness to change full PMI with psychological empowerment" fit with empirical data. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that there is a role of commitment to the readiness to change full PMI with psychological empowerment. In addition, it was also found that the commitment variable did not play a direct role in the change readiness variable in the full PMI, but the commitment variable had a positive and significant role in the change readiness through the psychological empowerment variable in the full PMI.
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