Effectiveness of Assimilation Implementation on Criminal Criminators of Narcotics (Case Study at the Surakarta City Detention Center)

Binar Nugroho, Moh Indra Bangsawan, Mizan Malik, Rika Yunita Hardiati, Dewi Kusuma Diarti, Arief Budiono


The criminal justice system is a system or network that exists in society in order to eradicate crimes that occur, one of the existing systems is a penitentiary that provides guidance to inmates. This study aims to describe and explain the implementation of assimilation and the effectiveness of the assimilation of narcotics convicts in the Surakarta city detention center. This research is a legal research conducted with a qualitative non-doctrinal approach. The type of study in this research is more descriptive in nature, because it intends to clearly describe various things related to the object under study. The implementation of assimilation at the Surakarta Prison regarding the requirements for providing assimilation that is not in accordance with its implementation, the procedures for providing assimilation that are not in accordance with the provisions, and also the implementation of assimilation that is not in accordance with PEMENKUMHAM No.3 of 2018. This is influenced by several factors that are not fulfilled by regulations Changing laws and regulations, one of which is due to the existence of Covid-19, the limited number of law enforcement officers which causes the need for assistance from third parties, inadequate infrastructure such as the limited number of detention rooms which causes the room to overcapacity, the community and culture factors stigma or unfavorable views towards inmates who are given assimilation.


Correctional Institutions; Assimilation; Narcotics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i8.2237


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