Communication Strategy of North Sumatera’s Police on Proactive Socialization Activities for Acceptance of Prospective Members of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020
This study aims to analyze the communication strategies and barriers of the proactive socialization team in capturing high-achieving Polri candidates at the North Sumatra Regional Police in 2020. The research method used a qualitative approach with the phenomenological method. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and observations, then checking the validity of the data by using triangulation techniques. The results of the study show that the communication strategy created is an attempt by the National Police to be able to provide early notification to the public regarding Polri's acceptance and as a means of keeping people from exploiting the situation of acceptance for personal gain. Obstacles to the socialization team, including the inadequate budget support to be able to visit all schools in the North Sumatra province, the lack of support from the incumbent leadership (Kabag Sumda) at the time of proactive socialization activities in October 2019, Not making or compiling materials that should be made to be presented to students so that the students 'understanding and attention are more focused on what goals will be conveyed, the difficulty is to be able to coordinate with the school to be able to fill the time with expected proactive socialization activities and students' low enthusiasm and trust in the message what the socialization team wanted to convey regarding clean, transparent, accountable and humanist recruitment.
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