The Communication Strategy of the Medan Police Traffic Unit (Satlantas) on ‘Polisi Sahabat Anak’ Program Campaign in Medan City
This study aims to analyze the communication strategy used by the Medan Traffic Police in carrying out the 'Polisi Sahabat Anak' (Polsanak) program in Medan City. The communication strategy is analyzed based on the communication planning model from Assifi and French (1982). The number of informants in this study were 4 (four) people consisting of two Medan Police Traffic Police personnel and two teachers. This study uses a constructivism paradigm with descriptive methods and a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, and literature study. The results showed that, (1) the main problem behind the Polsanak program is the low traffic awareness among the current young generation. (2) The main target audience is early childhood or students of Kindergarten (TK) and Elementary School (SD). (3) The aim of this program is to create future generations who have a high awareness of traffic. (4) The message conveyed in the Polsanak program is an educational and recreational one. (5) The media used in delivering messages are videos, songs, billboards, booklets, props and traffic parks. (6) The 'Police Sahabat Anak' (Polsanak) program is evaluated by periodically reviewing the human resources of communication, audiences, messages and the media. The obstacle to implementing the Polsanak program is the lack of human resources for communication and outreach equipment. Meanwhile, the efforts made by the Medan City Traffic Police to overcome these obstacles is to propose an additional budget for program implementation every year.
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