The Strategy Duta Batik of Palu City to Promoting "Tenun Ikat Donggala" Fabric as Cultural Heritage through Instagram

Donal Adrian, Chontina Siahaan, Samuel Y P


Tenun Ikat Donggala Fabric is a copyrighted work of the Kaili tribe that must be maintained as a cultural heritage. Production of Tenun Ikat Donggala fabric can be found in the area of Palu City and Donggala Regency. In the process of development, the Tenun Ikat Donggala fabric not widely known by the public even though it has been featured in national level cultural events. The research objective was to determine the strategy Duta Batik of Palu City in promoting the fabric "Tenun Ikat Donggala" as a cultural heritage through Instagram. The research method used is qualitative and the withdrawal of informants using key informants. The results showed that in carrying out promotional strategies, tourism ambassadors used social media such as Instagram to disseminate information about the Tenun Ikat Donggala fabric. which is the cultural heritage of the Kaili tribe. The message used is in the national form (Indonesian) and the regional language/accent that describes the uniqueness and durability of the fabric. The use of local language aims to be able to close emotional ties and provide awareness to local communities, especially millennials, to love and wear Donggala Ikat Tenun cloth more as a cultural heritage from generation to generation.


Duta Batik; Instagram; Promotion; Tenun Ikat Donggala

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