The Role of Communication and Farmer Institutional Urgency to the Agriculture Development Program
The agricultural development program is the Government's effort to grow participation in the development of an independent and welfare society. The success of the development program is inseparable from the role of farmer institutions in rural areas. The Form of farmer institutions that are often found is farmer groups, United Farmer’s Group, cooperatives, and KUD. This article aimed to examine the urgency of farmer institutions as support for success in the development programs by a qualitative descriptive approach and NVivo analysis. The existing farmer institutions tend to be less active and participatory so that they do not function optimally. Therefore it is necessary to make some efforts to change the behavior of farmers through training, advocacy, group meetings, technology adoption, and comparative studies. Communication has an important role in the formation and implementation of an agricultural institution in the form of bonding, bridging, and linking to create synergy inside and outside the institution. The results of the word cloud analysis show the words "farmer", "agriculture" and "institutional" as the words that appear most often. The role of the institution and its development is very important for farmers so that they can be more independent in running businesses in sustainable agriculture.
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