Professionalism of Civics Teachers Facing Educational Challenges in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is clearly a threat to human life in various parts of the world. Government with community support is considered important to make policies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community. Especially in the world of education, teachers as professional staff are still required in carrying out teaching and learning activities, therefore this research aims to explore and identify the professional competence of Civics teachers in general, and describe how Civics teachers continue to carry out the teaching -learning process and carry out their duties simultaneously to get information on the constraints and professionalism of Civics teachers in the presence of a COVID-19 pandemic. This study was included in the Evaluation study and the model chosen was the Goal-Free Evaluation Model using a qualitative approach which was library research used to obtain information on the constraints and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic towards teaching and learning activities that enforced from home. The results of this study are that there are several obstacles that threaten the level of professionalism of Civics teachers to decline because they are required to master technology in such a way as to support the learning process that is in accordance with the material and applicable rules.
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