An Analysis of Pedagogical Instabilities in the Non-Government Teachers (GTTs)

Lalu Abdul Razak hazami, Mahyuni Mahyuni, Nuriadi Nuriadi


This paper was aimed to investigates pedagogical competence in the non-government teachers in Jerowaru District, East Lombok. The method used in this study was a descriptive-qualitative study where the purpose was to describe the phenomena that occur regarding the lack of non-government teachers’ competencies in the teaching and learning process. The study was focused on analyzing three vocational schools in Jerowaru District where the total population of teachers was 60 teachers with 50% which means that 30 of them were purposively taken as a sample in the study. The result shows that many of the non-government teachers are unstable in terms of pedagogical competence. The main cause of the problem that occurred came from the facilities and access to the internet so that they lack material and media support in the teaching in the learning process. Besides, salary also becomes concerned for these teachers, where they only received one salary in a matter of three months. Regarding covid-19, the assistance provided by the relevant government is also inadequate so that it clearly affected their teaching competence.   


Teacher Competence; Vocational School; Non-Government Teachers; Pedagogical Competences

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