Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic Training to Increase VO2max Soccer Players
Soccer requires excellent physical fitness, including cardiorespiratoty endurance known as maximum oxygen volume (VO2max). Some exercise to improve soccer players VO2max are aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Aim of this study was to prove the efficiency of aerobic and anaerobic exercise to increase VO2max. Subjects in this study were 22 soccer players aged 20 years. Subjects participated in a 16-meeting training program with group exercises, aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise used jogging variations and anaerobic exercise used sprint variations. Research instruments used Mutistage Fitness Test (MFT) to determine VO2max capacity. The significance value of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on VO2max enhancement is 0.00 (p 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise can increase VO2max soccer players, whereas no significant difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise in VO2max enhancement.
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