The Effect of Halal Destination Image, Travel Motivation and Marine Tourism as Branding Icons on Tourists' Decisions to Revisit

Noni Antika Khairunnisah, Sulhaini Sulhaini, Lalu Edy Herman Mulyono


This research aims to investigate the influence of the Halal Destination Image, Travel Motivation, and marine tourism as branding icons on the decision to return. The sample was determined by purposive sampling with the criteria of tourists visiting Tanjung Aan Beach, who were included in the millennial generation with a minimum of one visit. This research uses of quantitative approach with a sample of seventy-five respondents. Data analysis used Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Version 16. The results of this research showed that the Halal Destination Image variable had a negative and insignificant effect on the decision to revisit tourists, the Travel motivation variable has a positive and significant influence on the decision to revisit tourists, and the marine tourism variable as a branding icon has a positive and significant effect on the decision to revisit tourists. This research is expected to be a reference, especially for the government and stakeholders in optimizing the implementation of the Halal Destination Image in a better direction, as well as increasing the decision to visit tourists to visit Tanjung Aan Beach tourism


Halal Destination Image; Travel Motivation; Icon Branding; Decision to Revisit

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