The Influence of Learning Organization on Teacher’s Job Performance
This study aims to find efforts to improve teacher performance at Public Junior High Schools in South Tangerang City by examining the relationship between learning organizations, examining and developing the strengths of the relationship/influence between these variables, as follows: The relationship between learning organization with teacher performance, the relationship between learning organization and teacher performance. The quantitative method is the research method used. Based on the results of the multiple regression test (Ry (1,2)), it shows that the value of Ry (1,2) is 14.65, which means that the Learning Organization variable has a positive effect on the performance of teachers in SMP N Kota Tanggerang Selatan in the 2020/2021 school year. Based on the results of the F test, it was obtained that the Fcount value was 2615.3. When compared with the Ftable value of 0.1648 at the 5% significance level, then Fcount> Ftable (2615.3> 0.16), so this value is significant. Based on SPSS calculations, the value of the coefficient of determination obtained is 0.874. This shows that 87.4% of organizational learning, the remaining 12.6% is due to other factors not examined.
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