Functions of Communication Value of Agricultural Committee of Atoni Pah Meto Customs
Rituals have a function in people's lives that will last a long time and will not be easily lost, as it is said in the axioms of functional theory that everything that has a function will not easily disappear by itself, because it has always existed, has a function, and even plays a role. a number of functions. With regard to the values and functions of rituals, their existence can be understood integrally with the context of the existence of the supporting communities. The indigenous peoples (Atoni Pah Meto) are part of the ethnic Timorese who currently persist with ritual activities in their agricultural activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the value and function of rituals in the agricultural activities of indigenous peoples (Atoni Pah Meto). This research method uses a qualitative tradition related to the rituals carried out by dryland agricultural communities in the lives of indigenous peoples (Atoni Pah Meto). The results of this study indicate that value is something that is very high which is able to direct the lives of indigenous peoples (Atoni Pah Meto) in their daily social life. The values in question are values: religious, unity, ecological, social anthropological, socioeconomic, and socio-political.
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