Legal Certainty of Doctor Profession Insurance Claim in Bumiputera Muda 1967 General Insurance, Pekanbaru City
PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967 Sells an insurance product called professional medical insurance, which is included in the scope of liability insurance. Liability insurance is a type of insurance that covers material losses due to legal liability to other parties, in this case a mistake or negligence committed by a doctor in carrying out his / her duties. The problems in this thesis are how is the legal certainty in medical profession insurance claims and how is legal certainty in the implementation of medical profession insurance claims at PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967, Pekanbaru City. The method used in this thesis is a juridical empiric approach. Sources of data are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials obtained through literature and information studies, using interview guidelines and field observations. From research done shows that the rule of law in insurance claims medical profession when there is negligence medic was not found in the positive law of Indonesia, therefore, if there had been an agreement between the parties regarding the amount of compensation and payment terms then poured into agreements or agreements made in writing, either under hand or before a notary. This agreed agreement will become the law for the parties in claiming professional insurance. Furthermore, legal certainty in the settlement of medical professional insurance claims as well as implementation and obstacles both from the insurance party, the doctor as the insured or a third party, in this case the Medicolegal team
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Web, accessed on Thursday 21 March 2019 at 09.10 WIB.
Interview with Dedi Afandi as the Medicolegal Team of PT. 1967 Bumiputera Muda General Insurance Pekanbaru city on Tuesday 16 December 2019, at 10.30
Interviews with Yuni Asri Fera as a staff of PT. 1967 Bumiputera Muda General Insurance Pekanbaru city on Tuesday, 11 December 2019, at 14:15
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