The Education of Multi Religious Culture on Madrasah Aliyah: Study at Abu Hurairah Islamic Boarding School Mataram West Nusa Tenggara
Education in the Islamic boarding school not only emphasize on cognitive acquire, but also how to implement the values of that cognitive comprehension itself. Therefore, Islamic boarding school develops the religious culture to embody the positive behavior to students in their daily life through religious values. For this reason, this study aimed to find out the values of religious culture existed in Islamic boarding school. This study was a qualitative descriptive design.Observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed comprised of four components, namely 1) Data collection, 2) Data Reduction, 3) Data display, and 4) Data verifications or conclusion. The result of this study showed that; 1) The type of religious culture implemented at Abu Hurairah Islamic boarding school Mataram west Nusa Tenggara on Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School) include; Smile and Greeting habituation, mutual respect, and tolerance, praying Dhuha, Praying Zuhur on the congregation, tadarrus Al-Qur’an (learning Al-Qur’an) / Tahfiz Al-Qur’an (memorizing of Al-Qur’an), 2) the implementation of Religious culture. Values in teaching and learning at Abu Hurairah Islamic boarding school Mataram west Nusa Tenggara on Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School) through the activities of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular. The values of religious culture embodied by students included; the spirit in obeying rules of Islamic religion, the spirit of mutual help, the spirit of brotherhood, the spirit of sacrifice, spirit to love science, spirit for working hard, and spirit of tolerance. 3) The implication of embodiment values of the multi-religious culture at Islamic Boarding Schools was impacted to all Islamic Boarding Schools officials, especially to the students, they have good behavior, speak politely, always respect towards diversity, more active in social activity in the society, mutual help, more discipline, and more competitive in facing the social problem in society, and the graduates has ability to compete to be accepted in the State University or private university.
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