Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion as Students’ Language Ability in Composing Sentences of Observation Report Texts

Mega Puspitasari, Andayani Andayani, Sarwiji Suwandi


This study aims to 1) describe the grammatical and lexical cohesion used by the students to compose sentences of the observation report text and 2) explain the role of grammatical and lexical cohesion in the students' observation report texts. The data source of this research was students as many as 70 people with 70 written text data of student observation reports. The analysis results showed that the use of grammatical cohesion which includes pronoun and conjunction. Lexical cohesion includes repetition, antonym, synonym, and hyponym. The roles of the two cohesions can help students to develop sentences to be cohesive.


Cohesion; Grammatical; Language Ability; Lexical; Observation Report Text

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