The Existence of Pancasila Ideology in the Concept in Indonesia Legal
Purpose of this paper is to describe the existence of Pancasila in the concept of state Indonesian law. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach using data sources in the form of writings such as books, journals and research results. The source in question is of course the concept of the Indonesian rule of law. The analytical method used is a descriptive method related to the theme of the writing. It can be concluded that Indonesia is a constitutional state. Article 1 paragraph (3) states that Indonesia is a state based on law. Thus it is clear that the form of the state of Indonesia is a constitutional state. The rule of law in Indonesia refers to the concept of the rule of law rechtsstaat and the rule of law, but Indonesia has its own characteristics and uniqueness because the laws that are formed and implemented in Indonesia are guided by Pancasila in all aspects of people's lives.
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