Women and Media as a tool to Attract Online News Readers in Indonesia
The rapid development of technology effects changes in the delivery of news information from printed media to online media. This positive change was not followed by the changes in media perceptions towards gender. In online media such as indosport.com, there are still many women as news objects by presenting them in quite interesting photos and videos as well as making tantalizing titles. This research aims to find out how women's representations are shown on the news on Indosport.com. How is the reader's position on the news, and who become the subject and object of the news on indosport.com. The research data comes from news on the online news portal indosport.com for the period November 2019 to March 2020. The data analysis technique in this study uses critical discourse analysis from Sara Mills. The results shows that women are shown on the news in a bad position. They are often shown in interesting photos and videos in order to become a magnet for readers. News writers and netizens play a role as subjects in the news, while women become the objects in the news. The reader's position is directed according to the thoughts of the writer and netizens, namely men.
Key words: critical discourse analysis; Sara Mills; online media; indosport.com
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i10.2083
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