The Effect of Learning Experience on the Information Literacy of Students in the Ri-Png Border During Covid-19 Period
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges for higher education institutions, especially in Indonesia's border areas. The transformation of face-to-face learning models to distance learning models impacts the learning experience of students, especially those who are completing writing research proposals and theses that require adequate information literacy skills. This study aims to explore the effect of student learning experiences on information literacy skills. The research data were obtained from respondents from four universities in Merauke. Purposive sampling technique is used with the criteria of students who have taken research methodology courses and are taking or have taken proposal seminar courses. One hundred respondents have filled out a questionnaire distributed online. Based on the data analysis, learning experiences contributed 17.60% to students' information literacy skills. Furthermore, each increase in student learning experiences will contribute to 0.40% of information literacy skills. These research findings can be valuable information to be developed to the next stage in making modules and learning media that can provide a good quality learning experience to improve student literacy skills, especially in writing research proposals/theses. With this module or learning media, it is hoped that it can prepare students to write research proposals and theses.
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