The Indonesian Millenials Consumer Behaviour on Buying Eco-Friendly Products: The Relationship Between Environmental Knowledge and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness

Susilowati Natakoesoemah, Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi


The topics of sustainable development and climate change correlation, pollution, toxic-containing products, and unhealthy lifestyles in urban societies has become a phenomenal issue these days. These issues have evolved around the exploitation of natural resources. It is imperative that all stakeholders stop exploiting natural resources to create better and more sustainable living for today’s and the next generations.  To address the needs for a more sustainable living that have been endorsed by the millennial consumers, business doers claim that their products are eco-friendly and green products. This research is done to analyse the correlation between environmental knowledge and perceived consumer effectiveness in eco-friendly product buying by the millennial consumers. The online survey involving 102 millennial consumer respondents who lives in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tanggerang and Bekasi areas reveals that environmental knowledge does not significantly correlate with the millennial consumers’ eco-friendly product buying behaviour. The research also shows that perceived consumer effectiveness has a greater influence than environmental knowledge on the millennial consumers’ buying behaviour for eco-friendly products.


Eco-friendly; Environmental Knowledge; Perceived Consumer Effectiveness; Sustainable Development

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