The Relation between the Caring Stress and the Caregivers’ Anxiety in Cancer Patients’ Family

Hadis Jafari, Rozita Zabihi, Foroogh Jafari


The purpose of this research was to ascertain the relationship between the caring stress and the caregivers’ anxiety in cancer patients’ family. The research method was correlation and the statistical population consisted of all family caregivers of cancer patients of Mahak Institute in 96 with the total number of 4400. By using the available sampling method, 384 people were sampled and evaluated by the care pressure questionnaire (CBI) and the God existential anxiety scale. The results of Toosi statistical analysis of correlation coefficient and regression represented that there is a relationship between caring stress and existential anxiety in family caregivers of cancer patients. So, patients' companions can become anxious because of caring for a long time.


Care Stress; Existential Anxiety; Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients

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