Measuring the Level of Discipline of Bureaucrats in Palu City
This research was conducted to find out why the implementation of the disciplinary policies of the State Civil Apparatus in Palu City has not been running optimally. The scope of this research is the Palu City government using qualitative methods as a reference to produce descriptive data collected through in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis related to the implementation of employee work discipline. With the determination of informants using a purposive method. Purposive sampling is a non-random sampling strategy where the selection is determined by the researcher by determining certain characteristics that are in line with the research objectives so that research questions can be resolved. The results showed that the implementation of the discipline of the Palu City State Civil Apparatus, which was seen from the dimensions of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure, had not gone as expected. Thus it is necessary to evaluate and provide motivation given by the leadership to employees in order to increase the quality of performance. Employee discipline is very influential on services for the community.
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