“Trust” In Divine Promises as an Epistemological Verse in the Qur'an
The degrees of human perfection depend on the extent of his knowledge, and the extent of his knowledge depends on his existence capacity. Man's ascent to the highest levels of existence is the basic plan of Islam for human education, and the role of the religious lifestyle geometry in the realization of this plan is more effective than any other factor. Practice based on trust in divine promises is one of the sides of this geometry. The present study, in a descriptive-analytic way tries to examine the functions of trustworthy action based on trust in divine promises - as one of the important aspects of lifestyle in a meaningful relationship with the category of human cognition and desires - based on Qur’anic verses. The findings are as follow: 1) Achieving evidence is a valid argument for accepting religion and entering the realm of religiosity. 2) Observing the fulfillment of one of the divine promises is one of the examples of evidence. 3) The fulfillment of divine promises as a verse in the path of religious life occurs regularly, completes the religious faith and gradually brings the believer to the levels of certain knowledge. 4) Achieving religious Fiqh is one of the unique functions of trustworthy practice. 5) Continuation of action based on divine promises leads to the overcoming of the deep innate desire for patience in human beings, and the Tafaqquh of some religious truths flows from this context.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i9.1992
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