The Impact of National and International Languages Intervention on the Javanese
Language and culture are two aspects which link to each other. The culture plays the role as the controlling system on the human interaction in society. While the language plays the role as the tool to find the cultural elements that are developing in the society, which one of them is the language phenomenon intervention. Further, this field research uses the sociolinguistics study with the descriptive qualitative approach. The purposes for this study are: (1) to describe the cultural elements in the local community which has the interfered vernacular with the national and the international languages; (2) to describe the intervention on the various language level. The conversation recording of the interfered with other languages Javanese in Banyumas dialect is used as the data source for this research. The data then collected uses the Uninvolved Conversation Observation Technique (UCOT), record, note, also in-depth interview. Later, they are analyzed by the comparing method with the connecting and comparing technique. This is to connect and compare the intralingual and extralingual points. Furthermore, the result of this study shows that there is a reciprocal relationship between culture and language. The culture affects one’s language behaviour. This occurs on the use of new terms, new vocabularies, also the interfered words as the reflection of the culture which is happening and developing in the society.
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