Strengthening the Unity the Republic of Indonesia by Utilizing the Forum of Religious Records

Misnati Misnati, Sunarso Sunarso


The unitary state of the republic of Indonesia often experiences conflicts in the name of religion and even takes the streets to voice what the state decides to carry out by its citizens. It is felt that what the state has decided deviates from religious regulations, so that religious groups have staged demonstrations to express the aspirations of these religious beliefs. The unitary state of the republic of Indonesia can be shaken when it finds such a case, even if we read in the Middle East countries where wars can occur. If this cannot be strengthened, then Indonesia is also a country with great potential in this direction. The author wants to strengthen the position of the unitary republic of Indonesia with state facilities in the form of a container that has a very important role, namely the forum for inter-religious harmony. The interfaith community harmony forum must be at the forefront in maintaining the potential for conflicts that threaten the solidity of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia, not a vessel that is just a formality. This journal uses a qualitative method by using literature review from books and journals, of course, contains proven research results that show that the forum for religious harmony takes part in building regional development participation to strengthen the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. The results show that 4 research evidence has shown that community harmony forums have an important role in building regional participation, namely by solving problems faced by the community from various kinds of problems which are then discussed in the religious context. This journal uses a qualitative method by using literature review from books and journals, of course, contains proven research results that show that the forum for religious harmony takes part in building regional development participation to strengthen the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. The results show that 4 research evidence has shown that community harmony forums have an important role in building regional participation, namely by solving problems faced by the community from various kinds of problems which are then discussed in the religious context.


Forum of Religious Records; Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

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