The Impact of Skill and Attitude Performance Students of Electrical Engineering Education on Work Opportunities in Business and Industry

Yetursance Manafe, Frans F.G. Ray, Crispinus P. Tamal


This study aims to determine the extent of the impact of the skills and attitudes of Electrical Engineering students in relation to job opportunities in the business and industrial world. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The subjects in this study were 70 students of Electrical Engineering Education who attended Industrial Practices. The results obtained in this study of 70 students, 64.29% managed to get good acceptance in the business world and industry and got a satisfactory score because they have competency skills which include the ability to work in teams, enthusiasm for following practice and initiative and attitude competence which includes willingness receive input and persistence, while 35.71% do not receive acceptance in the practice place and do not complete the industrial practice in the field is influenced by attitude factors including: 1). low self-discipline (44.00%), 2). low persistence of students (20.00%), 3). The ability to receive input from PKL supervisors for improvement towards a better direction (4.00%) and skill factors include: 1). The enthusiasm possessed in following the PI (12%), 2). The ability to work hard during PI (13.33%), 3). Able to work together in a team during PI (13.33%). From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the determining factor so that students can successfully follow practice and be well accepted in the business world and industry is to increase their enthusiasm for following practice and when doing practice there is a need for teamwork including being willing to accept input from supervisors essential needed in industrial practice.


Skills; Attitudes; Industrial Practices; Business World; Industrial World

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