The Position of the Attorney's Request for Information in Corruption Case Investigation as the Object of the Application for Abuse of Authority in the State Administrative Court (Study of Decision Number: 25 / G / 2015 / PTUN-MDN)
The absolute authority of the State Administrative Court in examining, deciding and resolving State Administrative Disputes is based on objects in the form of decisions and / or actions regulated in the State Administrative Court Law (PERATUN Law) and the Government Administration Law (AP Law). In Decision Number: 25 / G / 2015 / PTUN-MDN, the Prosecutor's Request for Information is placed as the object of the request for abuse of authority. Based on these facts, normative legal research is carried out which aims to examine and analyze cases (case approach) with the statute approach and other regulations related to legal issues regarding how the limits of abuse of power are the absolute competence of the State Administrative Court and what is the position. Request for a statement from the Attorney General's Office in investigating corruption cases in the Procedural Law of the State Administrative Court. The conclusion of the research results is that the limit of abuse of power which is the absolute competence of the State Administrative Court is a decision and / or action as normalized in the Administrative Law and the Government Administration Law. The absence of procedural norms on abuse of authority in the Administrative Court Law makes Judges and Lawyers inaccurate in determining the legal basis for placing the Prosecutor's Request for Information as an object in the application for abuse of power when case Number : 25 / G / 2015 / PTUN-MDN is rolling in the Medan State Administrative Court . The norm vacancy is filled by Supreme Court Regulation Number 4 of 2015 which limits the absolute competence of the State Administrative Court in applications for abuse of power after the results of the Supervision of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus and prior to criminal proceedings. The Prosecutor's Request for Information issued based on the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) cannot be placed as an object based on the norms of Article 2 letter d of Law Number 9 of 2004, so the author advises the President and / or the House of Representatives to design amendments to the Administrative Law so that it is harmonious with the new norms presented by the Government Administration Law and it is hoped that Judges and Lawyers as law enforcers and justice carry out the norms of the Law ethically so that they do not get lost in determining the object of the application for abuse of power.
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Medan State Administrative Court Decision Number: 25 / G / 2015 / PTUN-MDN dated 7 July 2015
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