The Traditional Agricultural Activity of the Population of Surkhan Oasis

Eshkurbonov Sirojiddin Bozorovich


In the following article the peculiarities of agriculture of the ethnological location of the population living in Surkhan oasis occupied with the agriculture, its historical development is analysed. The current situation and development of the traditional farming in the adaptation process to the market relations. Also the massive sources and literature related with the literature ethnolocal types of the agriculture, its place in the ethnoeconomical system, particularly in the household economy and the social significance in the form of the lifestyle of the population are studied. The types of traditional farming, their ethnolocal properties in relation to the oasis, the modernization of this domain within the conditions of the changing of the types of properties, the types of crops are analysed. Based on the studied problems the scientific conclusions are drawn, the practical proposals and recommendations are presented.


Traditional Agriculture, Jarquton, Artificial Watering, River, Rained Agriculture, Land Plot, Farming Household, Assisting Farmer, Phonological Knowledge, Transformation

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