Juridical Implications of the Industrial Relations Court Verdict Which Is Not in Accordance with Article 103 of Law No. 2 of 2004 Concerning Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes
The symbiosis of mutualism between laborers and employers is a process of social interaction in human life in an effort to meet the diverse needs of life, so to be able to meet all these needs humans are required to work. A worker or laborer is someone who works for someone else with a salary, or also anyone who works for a wage or other forms of remuneration. Employers or Employers are individuals, employers, legal entities or other bodies that employ workers by paying wages or other forms of remuneration. The mechanism for resolving industrial relations disputes is carried out with two mechanisms, namely the no litigation mechanism consisting of the bipatrite and tripatrite mechanism and the litigation mechanism which is carried out by submitting an application for industrial relations disputes to the Industrial Relations Court.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i8.1936
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