The State of Quran's Ayahs' Descent Status in Deduction of Juridical Decisions with Emphasis on Ayahs' Related to Family's Rights
Recognizing Ayahs' descent has a considerable role in jurisprudential concept from legal ayahs. In this research we have been surveying that we consider the effect of descent status in jurisprudential perception of legal ayahs in range of ayahs related to family rights from Farīqayn (Sunni and Shi'a) point of views. From all effects of descent status that can be helpful in correct jurisprudential deduction of the Quran's ayahs, we can mention some such as: General decisions' evidence determination in Ayahs, recognizing the criteria of Understanding the coordination among Quran's ayahs, correct determination of abolisher Ayahs from abolished ones. Describing the ambiguous terminologies in ayah and limiting ayah's meaning to a special group or a situation.
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