Problems of Ontology in the Heritage of Ali Safi
This article focuses on fundamental ontological and philosophical views of the representative of the Central Asian Renaissance Ali Safi, who in their writings have found a «consensus» between the official theology of Sunni Islam and the philosophical teachings of the «Greek Sciences» and their Eastern representatives. The fundamental features of the philosophical Outlook of the scientist are given: true commitment to Sunnism, objective idealism. In addition, the author seeks to show Ali Mafia as a tolerant representative of his society.
The author found out that the entire medieval concept of Islamic philosophy, as well as the objective monism of Sufism based on idealism, was based on Ali Safi’s worldviews. It is established that the scientist in his analyses was not limited to the definitions and conclusions of Sufis and philosophers, but provided his own conclusion in relation to being, cited materials from ancient Oriental works, expressing skepticism towards them.
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