Some Indicators of Blood of Rats Poisoned with Pesticide Karate
An artificially reconstructed karate pesticide leads to cytopsy of blood corpuscles and a shift of the Leiko formula to the right. In this case, the erythrocyte indices, the color index of erythrocytes and the average hemoglobin content, as well as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, significantly increase. A decrease in the number of corpuscles with increased erythrocyte indices (CP and DES), accompanied by granulocytopenia, agranulocyte and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate are additional evidence of B12-deficiency and folate-deficiency anemia. The research of the parameters of peripheral blood poisoned with karate of rats at introduction of its per os RAF is shown that all studied indicators of approximately identical size with indicators of blood of intact rats.
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