Direct Training Method: Top Passing over Application in the Volleyball

Samsul Azhar, James Tangkudung, Yusmawati Yusmawati


This study aims to determine the effect of direct passing training methods on the ability to pass over on extracurricular activities in Padang 7 State High School. This research method is a quasi-experimental study. The population in this study were male and female students who participated in volleyball extracurricular totaling 30 people. The samples used were 20 sons. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. After the pre-test, all samples were divided into 2 groups through matched ordinal pairing technique. The results of the study obtained t- count 2.62 while t- table of 2.23 with a significant level α = 0.05 and n = 10. Based on the decision making above, t count> t table (2.62> 2.23). The implication of this research is the application of the passing practice method directly affects the ability to pass volleyball in Padang 7 High School.


Direct Top Passing Training Method; Volleyball Games

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