Inconsistency of Information of Indonesian Government Officials through the Media on Public Concern in Preventing the Spread of Covid-19
The aim of the research is to reveal the influence of official disinformation through the media on public concern in preventing the spread of Covid-19. The theory used in this research is Carl I. Hovland's Credibility Source theory. A sample of 100 people from various walks of life in Jakarta. The results showed that the inconsistency of information from government officials had a positive and significant effect on community concern in preventing Covid-19. The positive influence shows that the inconsistency of information from Indonesian government officials is responded positively by the concern of the public in preventing Covid-19. the level of public awareness of disinformation, providing official information through the media. The ability to overcome turbulence situations is to display consistency, defined as a unity of motion, between thoughts, speech and actions, in order to arrive at a common goal.
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