The Strategy to Improve Cultural Awareness Through Historical Learning Based on Kitab Kuntara Raja Niti
This research focused on the srtategy to improve culture awareness through Kitab Kuntara Raja Niti. The aim of the research is testing the implementation and the effectiveness of historical learning concept based on Kitab Kuntara Raja Niti values. Historical learning through Kitab Kuntara Raja Niti will train student to respect difference, train student to be responsible, has cooporate attitude and has self identity that has culture power. This research uses quantitative and qualitative method combination that refer to the design of exploratory sequential mixed methods. This research result shows that historical learning through Kitab Kuntara Raja Niti values makes student to respect their own culture. Student understanding in the material and ability to the culture can improve cultural awareness. The historical learning implementation based on Kitab kuntara Raja Niti values of the improving cultural awareness in Senior High School.
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