Women`s Leadership and Gender Equality in Aceh: A Socio-historical Perspective
This research analyzes the problems of women`s leadership and gender equality in Aceh. The analysis is focused on the basic philosophical of women`s leadership in Aceh. The qualitative-descriptive was used as the research approach. The primary data were collected by interview and observation to the informants. The secondary data were taken from journals, books, and other reliable resources. The results of the research show that the spiritual and intellectual values of Islam and adat (custom) become the basic philosophical of Acehnese women`s leadership. Woman and man have equal roles, opportunities, rights, and responsibility to be a leader in the society based on Al-Qur`an and Sunnah, which are aligned with the Acehnese`s culture.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i4.187
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