The Customary Village Hegemony in Bali Towards Minority Groups

Paskalis Nyoman Widastra, Anak Agung Ngurah Anom Kumbara, Anak Agung Bagus Wirawan, I Gede Mudana


For the Balinese, customary villages are social realities that are accepted as given. It exists as a social institution that competes with existing institutions, especially government agencies such as the service village. Its existence is only felt when it clashes with rights that intersect with heterogeneous community life in ethnicity and religion. In this study, the customary village is understood as an important institution that must be given space because of the history and also the role that has been played in maintaining the security and comfort of Bali. But in the perspective of minority groups, its presence becomes a hegemonic institution that threatens the diversity of Balinese society.Through a deconstruction approach, customary villages in Bali Province Regulation No. 4 of 2019, is expected to continue to provide benefits to build togetherness in plurality.


Community; Plurality; Customary Village; Hegemonic

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