Increasing the Understanding of the Physical Concept through the Usage of Video based on Natural Phenomena of Students in Grade VIII Mts. As'adiyah Puteri II Sengkang Center
The study is a classroom action research, which aims at describing the comprehension of physics concept using natural phenomenon-based video of grade VIII students at MTs. As’adiyah Puteri II Pusat Sengkang. The research design employed path diagram in classroom action research (an adaptation of classroom action research stage of Mikayla-Exactio Tunujaya & Mumu model). The research subjects were students of grade VIII-1 at MTs. As’adiyah Puteri II Pusat Sengkang. The test of comprehension of physics concept and video of natural phenomenon-based were validated by two experts. Based on the results of the study, it is discovered that there is improving the percentage of comprehension of physics concept using natural phenomenon-based video, namely 34.78% in cycle 1 with 8 students obtain the incomplete score. There is 65.22% with 15 students obtain a complete score in cycle 1. In cycle 2, there is the improvement of comprehension of physics concept to 100% complete with 23 students who obtain a complete score. It indicates that there is an improvement of comprehension of physics concept with indicators of translation, interpretation, and extrapolation by using natural phenomenon-based video.
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