Reflective Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students of 2 Pleret Viewed from Self-Confidence
Reflective thinking ability is the ability of students to answer a given problem actively and carefully to obtain a more appropriate solution. This study is set to determine the reflective thinking ability of junior high school students in solving mathematical problems viewed from self-confidence. This research employs descriptive qualitative methods using questionnaires, written tests, and interviews in collecting the data. The subjects are six students of eight grade of State Junior High School 2 Pleret. In selecting the subjects, the researchers use a questionnaire that divides students into three categories namely, high, moderate, and low self-confidence. The results reveal that students with high self-confidence already have reflective thinking ability because they can understand the information well and be careful in solving problems. The students with moderate self-confidence have not been able to evaluate the problems because they do not carefully rechecking the obtained answers. The students with low self-confidence can’t identify problems clearly and correctly, can’t remember their initial knowledge to solve new problems, can’t evaluate problems, and can’t draw conclusions from a given problem.
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