The Influence of Husband Support to the Event of Unmet Need in the Fertilizer Age in the Work Area of the Bangkelekila Community Health Center of North Toraja Regency
This study aims to determine the effect of husband support on contraceptive use based on age, education, parity, and culture. This research was conducted with a cross-sectional design, involving 267 couples of childbearing age by means of the Cluster Random Sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire. Bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test. The results of this study indicate that 66 people (24.7%) of the total respondents included in the unmet need. The results of data analysis showed that there was an influence between husband's support and the unmet need in fertile age couples with a value of p = 0,000 (<0.05). Age, shows that based on healthy reproduction there is an influence of husband support on the occurrence of unmet need with a value of p = 0.002 (<0.05) and unhealthy reproduction there is an influence of husband support on the occurrence of unmet need with a value of p = 0.001 (<0.05). Education, shows that based on higher education there is an influence of husband support on the unmet need event with a value of p = 0,000 (<0.05) and based on low education there is an influence of husband support on the unmet need event with a value of p = 0.004 (<0.05). Parity, shows that based on safe parity there is an influence of husband support for the unmet need event with a value of p = 0.002 (<0.05) and insecure parity there is the effect of husband support for the unmet need event with a value of p = 0.001 (<0.05). Culture shows that based on supportive culture there is an influence of husband support on unmet need with a value of p = 0.002 (<0.05) and a culture that does not support the influence of husband support on the occurrence of unmet need with a value of p = 0.001 (<0.05).
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