Policy Implementation: Study on the Case of Protection of Women and Children in Makassar City
This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of protection policies for women and children in Makassar City. This study uses a qualitative design and case study strategy to explain the implementation of policies for protecting women and children in the Makassar City of Makassar. Data collection techniques used were observation, depth-interviews, and documentation. The data processing technique used is data reduction through data categorization and classification. Based on the results of research on the implementation of policies on the protection of women and children in the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Makassar City is still not optimal. This is caused by the accuracy of the budget allocation, even though it is in accordance with the program prepared but not yet in accordance with the existing budgetary needs. Internal public support, especially community shelters, is still low and depends on the operational budget of the operational budget of the APBD, another weakness lies in the ability of the executive officer to evaluate the community shelter who are not active and the ability to convince the private sector and donor agencies. It is recommended to strengthen the institutions responsible for implementing policies on the protection of women and children, especially P2TP2A, TRC and community shelters in the form of budget availability, supporting facilities and technical authority in collaboration and innovation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i6.1811
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