Mathematic Literacy Ability of Choleric and Singuins Personality of High School Students

Iwan Jadi Sugiarto, Budi Usodo, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro


Mathematic literacy ability is the required performance by every student as a guide in the 21st century live. The teacher has an important role in knowing their students' character in developing mathematical literacy ability. This research supposes to analyse the character of students' mathematic literacy ability of choleric and singuine character type. The research method is a case study with a chosen example using purposive sampling. The result of the research shows that students’ mathematic literacy ability of choleric is having the big curiosity of personality and demand on themself on solving every problem but quickly and carefully in answering problems so that students of choleric could reach mathematic literacy ability on forth level. Mathematic literacy ability of singuine students is having high personality curiosity but they face difficulty in solving a problem and they do not care about solving every problem. So singuine students reach mathematic literacy ability on forth level.


Ability; Mathematics Literacy; Personality; Choleric; Singuins

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