Legal Results of Tripartite Mediation Termination of Employment Without Including Employment Service Provider Companies
Industrial Relations Mediation, hereinafter referred to as mediation, is the settlement of rights disputes, disputes of interest, disputes concerning termination of employment, and disputes between trade unions / labor unions in only one company through deliberations mediated by one or more neutral mediatorsThe issues discussed are (1) How is the implementation of Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement through tripartite mediation at the Padang City Manpower and Industry Office? (2) What is the legal consequence of tripartite mediation due to Termination of Employment without involving workers' service providers?This writing was made in the form of normative juridical writing, coupled with a sociological juridical approach as a support. In principle, the implementation of tripartite mediation in the Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes by the Department of Labor and Industry of the City of Padang has supported its functions as mandated by the Law. According to Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Regulation No.19 of 2012 in a Work Agreement on the Provision of Workers' Services, three) legal subjects, namely employer companies, worker service providers and workers / laborers. Exclusion of workers service providers,
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The website bipartite-negotiations / bipartite-negotiations between businessmen and workers /.
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