Accountability of Village Fund Management: Case Study in Bulusuka Village, Jeneponto Regency

Nasir Nasir, Sulaiman Asang, Hamsinah Hamsinah, Muhammad Rusdi


This study aimed to describe and analyze the accountability of Village fund management in terms of the dimensions of transparency, liability, control, responsibility, and responsiveness in Jeneponto Regency, Bontoramba District, Bulusuka Village. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach that is phenomenological. Bontoramba Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Research informants included the internal village government, Bontoramba District Head, Regional Examination Team (TPD), Academics and NGOs. Data is collected through observation, interviews and documentaries, while data analysis is done through data collection, reduction, presentation and verification / conclusion. The results showed that the accountability of Village Fund management in terms of the dimensions of transparency, liability, control, responsibility, and responsiveness were not fully maximally managed accountably. The process of managing village funds in an accountable and transparent manner through the Musdus (hamlet deliberation) and Musdes (village deliberation) of budget designs and development programs and deliberations on budget realization and development program realization by installing information boards and billboards in public places, so that the public knows the process of managing village funds universally.


Accountability; Fund Management; Village

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