The Actualization of Economic, Social and Cultural of the Priority Sports Development Program in East Nusa Tenggara Province
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provinces in Indonesia. That area relatively arid, barren and still has great potential in sporting achievements. This study aims to describe the actualization of economic, social and cultural development programs for priority sports. This study uses a naturalistic phenomenological approach. Data collection was carried out qualitatively through observation and interviews with athletes, staff on The National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI), staff on KONI NTT, the head of Department of Youth and Sports NTT, coaches and athlete parents. Data analysis was performed based on Miles and Huberman's (1992) interactive analysis model. The results of this study show that individual sports priority and martial arts are top priorities because they are influenced by the actualization of social and cultural environmental conditions. The rich and varied cultural values in the NTT community have the same basic pattern in sports being the basis for determining the pattern of coaching and sports development. Athletes who have achievements from NTT come from the middle and lower economic circles with all its limitations. Therefore, collaboration is needed from parents, teachers in schools, and also local governments in developing sports in NTT.
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