The Mediating Role of Satisfaction: Life Insurance Customers’ Perspective (Service Quality, Trust and Image Toward Loyalty)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze whether service quality, trust, and corporate image directly influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. Besides, it also examines the indirect effect on loyalty through customer satisfaction.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The sample is customers who have made insurance claims, with 206 people to be respondent, from PT. Prudential Life Assurance, PT. AXA Mandiri, PT. AIA Financial, and PT. Bumiputera Life Insurance. Data were analyzed using SEM-AMOS analysis techniques.
Findings: The results of this study indicate that service quality, trust, and corporate image directly have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Finding also shows that service quality and trust, directly have a positive but not significant impact on customer loyalty. In contrast, company image and satisfaction directly have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. The role of customer satisfaction as a mediating variable shows that service quality, trust, and corporate image indirectly have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty.
Implications/Originality/Value: So it is concluded that service quality, trust and a higher corporate image will be able to provide higher loyalty if customer satisfaction as an intervening variable also increases. That is, if life insurance customers are less satisfied with service quality, trust, and company image, it is difficult to realize high customer loyalty.
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