Analysis of the Juridical Rights of Dependents based on Skmht in Home Ownership Financing of PT Bank NTB Syariah Mataram Branch
The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the binding force of the provisions of the BPN Head Regulation if it is associated with the Rights Act and the factors that cause the SKMHT not to be tied with APHT after 3 months. The method used in this research study was the normative method of empirical research. The approach used is the legislation approach, conceptual approach, and the sociology of legal approach. The result of this research is the first binding force of the provisions of the Board of BPN Regulation if it is associated with the law of dependents then the use of SKMHT in the provision of subsidized housing financing facilities by the Bank NTB Syariah Mataram Branch in the implementation is not followed by APHT, so that the use of SKMHT will be valid until the expiration of the By referring to the regulation of the Minister of Agrarian state/head of national Land Agency No. 4 of 1996 concerning the determination of the use of power of Attorney (SKMHT) to guarantee the settlement of certain credits, which in this case subsidized housing credits. And the factors that cause is not continued with APHT because of its production procedure is old and the cost is quite high.
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