The Effects of Transformational Leadership, Competence and Compensation on Work Motivation and Implications on the Performance of Lecturers of Maritime College in DKI Jakarta
This research aims to examine and analyze the Effects of Transformational Leadership, Competence and Compensation on work motivation and implication on the performance of lecturers of Maritime College in DKI Jakarta region both partially and jointly. Sampling 250 lecturers from the research population of 290 people with sampling of all population members including pre test samples of 40 lecturers. The method used is a quantitative method. The hypothesis testing method is through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed transformational leadership, competence, compensation and motivation of work positively and significantly both in a paraxia and simultaneously response to lecturers ' performance. The results of Square Multiple Correlation (R2) Provide work motivation information of 62% at the College of Maritime Sciences in DKI Jakarta area provided by the transformational leadership, competence, compensation. And the dominant variables are transformational leadership. The 85% contribution to the performance of lecturers was given by transformational leadership, competence, compensation, and motivation, with a more dominant variable is the motivation of work.
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